Sunday, 18 December 2011


A program was conducted by our society between 13/12/2011 to 17/12/2011 at our training centre “SABUJ SATHI” at Dhakin Barasat, Kashinagar, South 24 parganas,
West Bengal, India. On greening and Agricultural training and awareness with the place of SUNDARBAN areas for development of that place.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Sundarban is the largest delta of the world. It is the summation of 54 isolated areas. Climate change is an important issue nowadays. Various human activities are making the world hot to hotter. The ultimate result is global warming, that’s why climate change. Rising temperature in the atmosphere causes sea level rise and affects low lying coastal areas and deltas of the world. Sea level rise has various impacts on Sundarban, a coastal country facing the problems. It already has affected Sundarban by land erosion, salinity intrusion and loss in biodiversity. Its potential threats are coming even strongly in the future. Sea level rise will cause river bank erosion, salinity intrusion, flood, damage to infrastructures, crop failure, fisheries destruction, loss of biodiversity, etc. along this coast. A one-meter sea level rise (SLR) will affect the country’s vast coastal area and flood plain zone. It will affect Millennium Development goals, causing environmental refugees. Most vulnerable sectors to one meter sea level rise are coastal resources, water resources, agriculture and the ecosystem of Sundarban.

The main concept of sustainable Development is to meet the present needs without compromising the needs of the future generations (WCED, 1987). To ensure the supply of the future’s demand, development plan should be developed in such a way that consider the upcoming good, bad or worst scenarios. To reach that gateway to development, environmental hazards like sea level rise and its impacts should be face or may be handled carefully. Because development trains without considering environmental hazards and natural disasters may run to the other way. For example, The destruction-Count More than 200 people are reported dead and an estimated 3 million displaced from their homes after a high velocity cyclone (120kph) hit Southern Bengal on 25th May 2009 devastating thousands of life. Worst hit areas have been the islands of Sundarban. Cyclone Aila, unleashed a four-meter high tidal surge and flooded low-lying regions overflowing the embankments washing off thousands of households completely and making a landfall in Sundarbans and coastal areas of southern West Bengal. The coastal belt and river side villages were mostly affected and destroyed due to Aila. According to the Government of West Bengal estimate about 50 Lakes people are affected. ‘We lost every thing that mattered to us. Paddy that we cultivated last Kharif has been completely washed off. What will we depend on future? We are left with only this single saree (cloth) that we are wearing.’ This was the cry of the hour.
Now could have reduced number of death toll and economic loss significantly.
Sundarban is still carrying that loss by borrowing money from external sources like foreign aid or loans from the World Bank, pushing it back in terms of development. Sea level rise have various significant impacts on economy, environment and security of Sundarban and if these impacts are not integrated in the development plans, it will fail to attain sustainability. Thus, this study can help sustainable development of Sundarban by pointing out potential sea level rise impacts and some possible recommendations that could be coordinated with the development activities of this aria.  
The development of Sundarban area is still far away due to the tremendous geographical inertia. People are still suffering with their bread & butter due to the poverty. Sundarban is always facing the natural calamity. There have been many social evils in our society from the olden times. Many of them have been removed with the passage of times but many other are still remains much to our shame. One of such social evils is insecurity of development. As a result we saw the poachers in that area. There is no other way of earning apart from agriculture, though the soil is still undeveloped.
Education means all-round development of mind & body.  Maximum People are still far away from the light of education. The peoples are in the jaws of the hopeless fates.
Lots of people are living there life just bellow the poverty lines.
Sundarban is suffering with the medical facility. New born baby & the people who are suffering with the supper annotation, they are not getting the medical facility & medicine.
In Sundarban area’s another alarming problem is the acute crises of drinking water.
In some place people are using the solar power that is not sufficient for the people.
Above the circumstances it is our humble request to all to do something as quick as possible; otherwise we will not be able to stop the people of Sundarban from virtual extinction.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Destroyed by "AILA"
Peoples are Catching fish, neglecting  the "ROYAL BENGAL TIGER".
GOD of Forest. (Sundarban)
Destroyed by "AILA".
Peoples are Catching fish, neglecting  the "ROYAL BENGAL TIGER".  
Everything is  lost by "AILA" now he fiend helping  eyes.
Till they are taking bath to the unhygienic salty water. 
Expectation for good  HEALTH & EDUCATION. 
Expectation for  HEALTH & HELP.

Essential for secondary earning way.

Expectation for  HEALTH & HELP.

Beauty of SUNDARBAN before "AILA".

Posers are going to the forest though we want to stop that.

Waiting for faithful stapes .  

Looking towards what can you do for them.

Looking towards what can you do for them.

Looking towards what can you do for her.

Life is war to them  for protect their family.

"AILA" has carried there houses  one place to another.

We are all waiting for you.

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Monday, 24 October 2011

Aikyatan Women Solidarity


                                     When women are
Healthy, economically and socially
                                     empowered, they become
                                     a potent force for change.
                                     In rural areas of the
                                    developing world, women play
                                    a key role in running
                                    households and make major
                                    contributions to agricultural
                                    production. But the
                                    inequalities that exist between
                                   women and men make it
                                   difficult for women to
                                   their potential.



Sima Mistry

Susmita Sardar
Vice- President

Rita Rani Gayen

Aparna Sardar
Asst. Secretary

Mana Baidya

Dabi Gayen

Lipika Mandal

Parul Mandal

Sagarika Jodder

Rita Sardar

Manisa Mondal

                                     AIKYATAN WOMEN SOLIDARITY MEMBERS              

Special general meeting of A. P. Nagar Aikyatan was held on 08 March at 10am. The venue of the meeting was AIKYATAN WOMEN SOLIDARITY. The meeting was chaired by Secretary. The meeting concentrated on reviewing the Memorandum of Association of the organization and it appeared that amendment of some clauses of Moa has to be included as those were not exists. The Secretary pointed out that the organization has involved with women groups and accordingly to address the women issues the following clauses may be included in the Memorandum of Association to proceed further:

         1. Advancement and development of women and child in every space of life.

         2. Creating a favorable environment through sustainable economic and proper social policies for development of women and realization of their full potential.
        3.Equal access for participation and decision making of women in social, political, economic and cultural life of the nation and the world. 
       4. Equal access to women / child to health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance, employment, equal remuneration, occupational health and safety, social security and public office etc.
      5. Strengthening legal systems aimed at elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
     6. Changing discriminatory societal attitudes and community practices by active participation and involvement of both men and women. 

    7. Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the development process.
    8. Elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and the girl child by strengthening partnerships with civil society, particularly womens organizations. 
    9. To address the issue of illegal relation disturbing family life and social circumstances.
   10. To counsel and take care about not to be alcoholic and drug addicted, which causes bad effect in the family and to make family life good, happy through family counseling.


                      For, A.P. Nagar Aikyatan

                            Lonely soul